1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explains " Anger Management "
3) Reads and explains the chapter " Nails in the fence "
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
1) Introduction of the chapter
1) Learn the word meanings of chapter 9, page 49.
2) On page 48, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3) Do Exs 1,2,3 and 4 of chapter -9, page 49 in your textbook itself.
29/09/2021, 06/10/2021
Peers play a large role in the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. Their influence begins at an early age and increases through the teenage years. It is natural, healthy and important for children to have and rely on friends as they grow and mature.Peers can be positive and supportive. They can help each other develop new skills, or stimulate interest in books, music or extracurricular activities. However, peers can also have a negative influence. They can encourage each other to skip classes, steal, cheat, use drugs or alcohol, share inappropriate material online, or become involve in other risky behaviors. The majority of teens with substance abuse problems began using drugs or alcohol as a result of peer pressure. This pressure can happen in person or on social media. Children often give in to peer pressure because they want to fit in. They want to be liked and they worry that they may be left out or made fun of if they don't go along with the group.
The following are tips about peer pressure to share with your kids:
1) Stay away from peers who pressure you to do things that seem wrong or dangerous.
2) Learn how to say "no," and practice how to avoid or get out of situations which feel unsafe or uncomfortable.
3) Spend time with other kids who resist peer pressure. It helps to have at least one friend who is also willing to say "no."
4) If you have problems with peer pressure, talk to a grown up you trust, like a parent, teacher, or school counselor.
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explains " Peer Pressure "
3) Reads and explains the chapter " Fun With Friends"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
1. Learn word meanings and lesson for life of chapter- 7, page 39.
2. On page 38, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3. Do Exs I and II of chapter 7 " Fun With Friends" in text book itself.
CHAPTER - 8, "The Choice of Feast" (Keeping promises and commitments)
Promise is a declaration or an assurancethat one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.When we don't keep a promise to someone, it communicates to that person that we don't value him or her. Even when we break small promises, others learn that they cannot count on us. Tiny fissures develop in our relationships marked by broken promises.We are not only communicating all of this to others, we are telling ourselves that we don't value our own word.
One has a moral duty to keep one's promises because making a promise will lead others to believe that you will do what you promise. Breaking the promise is then tantamount to deceiving those one promised, and since one has a moral duty not to do this, one has a moral duty to keep one's promises.
A commitment is something which regularly takes up some of your time because of an agreement you have made or because of responsibilities that you have.Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. Before you make a commitment, think carefully. A commitment obligates you to do something.
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explains "Keeping Promises and Commitments"
3) Reads and explains the chapter "The Choice of Feast"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
Main teaching :-
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explains " Keeping Promises and Commitments"
1) Learn the word meanings of chapter 8, page 45.
2) On page 44, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3) Do Exs 1and 2 of chapter -8, page 45 in your textbook itself.
CHAPTER - 8, "The Choice of Feast" (Keeping promises and commitments)
Promise is a declaration or an assurance that one will do something or that a particular thing will happen.When we don't keep a promise to someone, it communicates to that person that we don't value him or her. Even when we break small promises, others learn that they cannot count on us. Tiny fissures develop in our relationships marked by broken promises.We are not only communicating all of this to others, we are telling ourselves that we don't value our own word.

A commitment is something which regularly takes up some of your time because of an agreement you have made or because of responsibilities that you have.Making a commitment involves dedicating yourself to something, like a person or a cause. Before you make a commitment, think carefully. A commitment obligates you to do something.
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explains "Keeping Promises and Commitments"
3) Reads and explains the chapter "The Choice of Feast"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
Main teaching :-
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explains "Keeping Promises and Commitments"
1) Learn the word meanings of chapter 8, page 45.
2) On page 44, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3) Do Exs 1and 2 of chapter -8, page 45 in your textbook itself.
CHAPTER - 6, "THE DREAM BRIDGE" ( Follow your Dreams )
( Follow your dreams )
All of us have dreams to accomplish so many things in our lives..!! There are many instances in which we face difficulties in fulfilling our dreams and sometimes we just let go those dreams due to irritation or frustration that we go through due to those difficulties. But Dreams are one of the reasons for which we live life for and letting them go without fulfilling them is a big heart break..!!

Determination means persistence, striving hard to achieve any goal or ambition. Determination is known to make even the inaccessible peaks, easily accessible. Great achievers are those who possess great level of determination and never give up, even in the face of adversities.
Determined individuals always make it big in life and realise their dreams and goals. Determination for any achievement is generated within the individual, either by efforts or it comes by itself.
To never give up is a hard thing to do, it is very easy to say, but in order to be able to put into action, one must be willing to risk losing everything. Never let the ups and downs along the way stop you from doing what you know is meant for you to do. ”
Determination is to have a fixed purpose, the power and the will to persist to reach the goal and getting it done no matter what.
Determination is focus on the purpose. Persistence is the continuation of action around that purpose. So both are required for success.
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explains " Follow your dreams "
3) Summary of the chapter " The Dream Bridge"
4) Explains Exercises
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
1. Learn word meanings and lesson for life of chapter- 6, page 33 and 35.
2. On page 32, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3. Do Exs I and II of chapter 6 " The Dream Bridge" in text book itself.
CHAPTER - 6, "THE DREAM BRIDGE" ( Follow your Dreams )
( Follow your dreams )
All of us have dreams to accomplish so many things in our lives..!! There are many instances in which we face difficulties in fulfilling our dreams and sometimes we just let go those dreams due to irritation or frustration that we go through due to those difficulties. But Dreams are one of the reasons for which we live life for and letting them go without fulfilling them is a big heart break..!!

Determined individuals always make it big in life and realise their dreams and goals. Determination for any achievement is generated within the individual, either by efforts or it comes by itself.
To never give up is a hard thing to do, it is very easy to say, but in order to be able to put into action, one must be willing to risk losing everything. Never let the ups and downs along the way stop you from doing what you know is meant for you to do. ”
Determination is to have a fixed purpose, the power and the will to persist to reach the goal and getting it done no matter what.
Determination is focus on the purpose. Persistence is the continuation of action around that purpose. So both are required for success.

1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " Follow your dreams "
3) Read and explain the chapter " The Dream Bridge"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " Follow your dreams "
3) Read and explain the chapter " The Dream Bridge"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
1. Learn word meanings and lesson for life of chapter- 6, page 33 and 35.
2. On page 32, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3. Do Exs I and II of chapter 6 " The Dream Bridge" in text book itself.

CHAPTER - 5, "THE MISER MERCHANT" ( Charity begins at home )
Charity begins at home is a beautiful expression that emphasizes the need to prioritize the needs of one’s family before anything. Now, this is not to say that one must only think about his family and not do anything for the society. Charity is a good thing and we must all indulge in it for the betterment of our society.
However, this proverb implies that our first duty is towards our family. Once we fulfil this duty then we should go out and help others. A person who leaves his family crying and goes out and involves in charitable work cannot be called good.
The Meaning of the Word Charity
It is commonly believed that charity refers to providing financial aid to those in need. However, this is only partially true. The word charity comes from the Latin word, caritas which means love. So, charity does not necessarily mean providing only alms. It also refers to offering any kind of assistance and giving love and care to those in need. This means that one does not have to be financially rich to do charitable work. Each one of us can help the needy in our own unique way to fill the void in their lives.For instance, merely visiting children in orphanage or people in the old age homes and spending time with them can bring a smile on their face. However, someone who ignores his own parents and spends time at the old age home isn’t doing a task worth appreciation. He must first give time to his parents and other family members and then go out and help others.
The proverb, ‘charity begins at home’ gives a very powerful message. It says that, we must love our family dearly and keep them on the top of our priority list. We must fulfil all our responsibilities at home and then indulge in charitable tasks. Working for the benefit of the poor and needy is important but it should not be done at the cost of one’s family.
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " Charity begins at home "
3) Read and explain the chapter " The Miser Merchant"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " Charity begins at home "
29/7/2021, 05/8/2021
Moral Science
Chapter - 4, "This or That" ( Decision Making )
Every single day, every single hour, every single minute we spend alive require decision making. It can range from what you want to wear today, to weather or not buy a new car at the moment. So every decision you make (no matter how small), is very important. But, the major decision making you may ever encounter, are the ones related to your life. Things like buying a house, studying for Masters, and getting married. I call those: The Life Changing Decesions. Once you take one of those, you're whole life will take a whole new different turn. Regardless of it being good or bad, but the fact will remain that things are going to be super different.
Decision making is a process of selecting a formal choice among the given options. For an effective decision-making process, one must be in a stable mind to weigh both positive and negative options. One should determine which option will suit that particular situation.
Chapter - 4
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " Decision making "
3) Read and explain the chapter " This and That"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " Decision making "
3) Read and explain the chapter "This and That"
4) Word meanings
5) Lesson for life
1) Learn the words meaning of chapter 4, page 22.
2) On page 22, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3) Do Exs 1 - 3 of chapter -4, page 23 in your textbook itself.
22/7/2021, THURSDAY
CHAPTER 3, " THE RIGHTEOUS KING " ( Righteousness )
Being righteous literally means to be right, especially in a moral way. Religious people often talk about being righteous. In their view, the righteous person not only does the right thing for other people but also follows the laws of their religion. Heroes like Martin Luther King are often called righteous. On the other hand, this word can be a little negative. If you call someone self-righteous, it means they're a little too sure they're right and better than other people.
What are the qualities of a righteous person?
- Righteous person lives a blameless life or walks uprightly
- Righteous people speak the truth from their heart
- Righteous people do not accept criticisms or shame from others concerning their neighbours
- Righteous people refuse to speak bad things about their neighbours or friends
- A righteous person stays away from flagrant sinners
- A righteous individual honours those who fear the Lord
- A righteous person protects the innocent at all time. So one can acquire human qualities like compassion, mercy, sharing, caring, helping, understanding, tolerance and such other virtues that a righteous person possesses.
Summary of the story
1) Explains the story "THE RIGHTEOUS KING"
2) Word meanings
3) Explains Exs of the chapter
4) Moral of the story
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Explains the story "THE RIGHTEOUS KING"
01/07/2021, 08/07/2021, 15/07/2021,THURSDAY
CHAPTER 3, " THE RIGHTEOUS KING " ( Righteousness )
Being righteous literally means to be right, especially in a moral way. Religious people often talk about being righteous. In their view, the righteous person not only does the right thing for other people but also follows the laws of their religion. Heroes like Martin Luther King are often called righteous. On the other hand, this word can be a little negative. If you call someone self-righteous, it means they're a little too sure they're right and better than other people.
What are the qualities of a righteous person?
- Righteous person lives a blameless life or walks uprightly
- Righteous people speak the truth from their heart
- Righteous people do not accept criticisms or shame from others concerning their neighbours
- Righteous people refuse to speak bad things about their neighbours or friends
- A righteous person stays away from flagrant sinners
- A righteous individual honours those who fear the Lord
- A righteous person protects the innocent at all time. So one can acquire human qualities like compassion, mercy, sharing, caring, helping, understanding, tolerance and such other virtues that a righteous person possesses.
Summary of the story
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " Righteous"
3) Read and explain the story "THE RIGHTEOUS KING"
4) Word meanings
5) Moral of the story
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
17/06/2021, THURSDAY
CHAPTER- 2 "THE JUMPING WORDS" ( The power of words )

“Words are the most powerful force available to humanity, to express
themselves. Choose them wisely"
As words, as the most ‘powerful force’ to express ourselves as human being, we should always choose them wisely, before we utter them. Because words can inspire and can destroy the other person whom we talk. Therefore when we talk to others or when we are engaged in any speech or talk we must discipline ourselves and choose our words wisely. Anytime we speak ,we should take sometime to think before we contemplate what we will say and also we should think the purpose and meaning before our words. Moreover, we should not tell people things they do not need to know. Whenever we have conversation with others we should always use the useful and encouraging words that can lift them up and help them to succeed in their lives. Remember, the heart is like a fertile soil. When it receives a positive word it becomes a good seed and sprouts up to yield good fruits. On the other hand if it is fed with a negative words, it sprouts into a plant of evil fruits. Therefore we should always influence others with our positive words.

1) Revision of Chapter 2
2) Asks questions related to the chapter
3) Explanation of Exs of chapter 2
4) Word meanings
5) Moral of the story
1) Revision of Chapter 2
2) Asks questions related to the chapter
3) Explanation of Exs of chapter 2
4) Word meanings
5) Moral of the story
1) Learn the word meanings of chapter 2, page 10.
2) On page 6, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3) Do Exs 1 - 3 of chapter -2, page 11 in your textbook itself.
10/06/2021, THURSDAY
“Words are the most powerful force available to humanity, to express themselves. Choose them wisely"
As words, as the most ‘powerful force’ to express ourselves as human being, we should always choose them wisely, before we utter them. Because words can inspire and can destroy the other person whom we talk.Therfore wgen we talk to others or when we are engaged in any speech or talk we must discipline ourselves and choose our words wisely.
Anytime we speak ,we should take sometime to think before we contemplate what we will say and also we should think the purpose and meaning before our words . Moreover, we should not tell people things they do not need to know . Whenever we have conversation with others we should always use the useful and encouraging words that can lift them up and help them to succeed in their lives. Remember, the heart is like a fertile soil. When it receives a positive word it becomes a good seed and sprouts up to yield good fruits. On the other hand if it is fed with a negative words, it sprouts into a plant of evil fruits. Therefore we should always influence others with our positive words.
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain "The Power of Words"
3) Read and explain the story "THE JUMPING WORDS "
4) Word meanings
5) Moral of the story
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain "The Power of Words"
3) Read and explain the story "THE JUMPING WORDS "
4) Word meanings
5) Moral of the story
1) Learn the words meaning of chapter 2, page 10.
2) On page 6, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3) Do Exs 1 - 3 of chapter -2, page 11 in your textbook itself.
03 / 06 / 2021, THURSDAY
If we look around in our surroundings, we will observe that people follow different religions and worship God in various forms.However, all religions emphasis on the belief in One Supreme Power, our creater. In the eyes of the Almighty, everyone is equal.God is All Love. He is the Ocean of Compassion, the Ocean of Forgiveness, the Ocean of Kindness. He is the only Reality. He is the basis, source and origin of all religions. He is the goal of all religions. Even though called by different names, as Brahman, Atman, Jehovah, Father in Heaven, or Allah, yet that Supreme Cosmic Reality is One and Non-Dual. It is that Reality which is worshipped in all places of worship: Hindu temple, Jewish synagogue, Christian church, Islamic mosque. It is the One Being glorified in all the scriptures of the world.
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " God is One"
3) Read and explain the story "THE CLOTH STORY"
4) Words meaning
5) Moral of the story
Oral and explanation with some written work
1) Introduction of the chapter
2) Explain " God is One"
3) Read and explain the story "THE CLOTH STORY"
4) Word meanings
5) Moral of the story
1) Learn the words meaning of chapter 1, page 07.
2) On page 6, above reflections, write in your own words the moral of the story in the blank space.
3) Do Exs 1 - 3 of chapter -1, page 07 in your textbook itself.