THE JUMPING WORDS ( The Power of Words )
1. Do words have power?
Ans- Yes, words have power. “kind words are like honey– sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” A life can be changed forever with as little as a single phrase, an uplifting word or an act of kindness.

2. Are words really powerful?
Ans- Yes, words are extremely powerful tools that we can use to uplift our personal energy and improve our lives. They can build up or destroy someone's life.

3. Do we need to be careful with our words while speaking to someone?
Ans- Yes, we need to be very careful with our words while speaking to someone. 

4. What happens when a heart receives a positive word?
Ans- When a heart receives a positive word, it becomes a good seed and sprouts up to yield good fruits.

5. What happens when a heart receives a negative word?
Ans- When a heart receives a negative word, it sprouts into a plant of evil fruits.
6. Why should we speak only positive words?
Ans- We should speak only positive words because our positive words can lift someone up and help him/her to succeed in his/her life.

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct words. 

1. A word once spoken cannot be ……. back or ……….. up.

Ans- summoned,  swallowed 

2. Unable to accept their terrible…….., the two frogs began to jump with all their might. 

Ans- fate

3. What the frog had perceived as ……………. inspired him to try harder and to succeed  against all odds. 

Ans- encouragement 

4. Your ……… words can lift someone up and help him or her to succeed. 

Ans- encouraging 

5. Always ……….. others with your ……… words. 

Ans- influence,  positive 

III. Choose the correct option and complete the sentence.

1. Keep good control of your thoughts and words and …………………………..

a) try to speak only negative words. 

b) try to speak only positive words. 

Ans- b

2. When others fall in their lives ...............

a) we should help them to get up and encourage them to move ahead.

b) we should speak negative words and discourage them.

Ans- a

3. When the heart receives a positive word, ………………….

a)it becomes a good seed and sprouts up to yield good fruits. 

b) it causes deep wounds on the heart.

Ans- a

4. Your encouraging words can lift someone up and …………………

a)adversely affect someone. 

b) help him or her to succeed. 

Ans- b

 Moral of the story

. Never give up. Keep on trying.

. We should be careful with our words while speaking. Use only positive and encouraging words.



1. Does God exist?
Ans- Yes , God exists.

2. Do people follow different religions and worship God in various forms?

Ans- Yes, people follow different religions and worship God in various forms.

3. Why do we have different religions when there is only one God?

Ans- Some people, having realized that no one will ever find true happiness and perfect prosperity without God or outside God, seek to find him in spiritual ways according to their particular abilities. This is one reason that we've generated many different religions and ideas of God.

4. Are we worshipping the same God?

Ans- Different religions approach God differently and even name God differently.

5. Are we equal in the eyes of the Almighty?
Ans- Yes, we are equal in the eyes of the Almighty.

1. Answer the following questions.

1. What was king Akbar thinking about seriously at night, which he shared with Birbal, the next day? 

Ans - King Akbar was thinking about God seriously, which he shared with Birbal, the next day that God is One, but people of different religions pray to different God's. So, how can we say that God is One?

3. By using the piece of cloth in different forms, what point did Birbal prove to Akbar? 

Ans - By using the piece of cloth in different forms Birbal proved to Akbar that the name of an article changes according to its place and application. God is one. His names are many, changing with location and use.

4. What is the essence of  primary teaching of all religions?

Ans - The essence of all religions is to believe in a Supreme Power governing us and in developing a good human heart so that we may become good human beings and follow God's chosen path.

5. Do you believe God is one or many?

Ans - Yes, I believe God is one.

6. What is the essence of  primary teaching of all religions?

Ans- The essence of all religions is to believe in a Supreme Power governing us and in developing a good human heart so that we may become good human beings and follow God's chosen path.

7. Do you believe God is one or many?

Ans- Yes, I believe God is one.

II.  State weather the following statements are true or false. Rewrite the false statements correctly.
1. All religions emphasis on the belief in one Supreme Power our creator.
Ans - True 

2. Birbal was not ready to accept the arguments of Akbar unless he probed it.

Ans - False 

Akbar was not ready to accept the arguments of Birbal unless he proved it. 

3. The servant called the cloth wrapped around Birbal's head as a shawl.

Ans - False 

The servant called the cloth wrapped around Birbal's head as a head gear.

4. In all religions, God is known by one name.

Ans - False 

 In all religions, God is known by different names.

5. The name of an article changes according to its place and application.

Ans - True

III.  Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. All religions emphasis ……… in one Supreme Power. 

Ans - belief 

2. God is one. It is we who call him by……….. names.

Ans - different 

3. The name of an article changes according to its …….. and ……… .

Ans - place, application 

4. There are many names of God and different names are attached to different ……… ideas about God's identity and……… .

Ans - cultural, attributed 

5. The essence of all religions is to develop good …….. who follow God's chosen path. 

Ans - human beings 

Moral of the story

All religions focus on the existence of One Supreme Power. There is one God and this true God is worshipped in different religions under different names. So we should always have respect for all religions.

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